Join Us Easter Sunday! 3 Service Times: 8:30am | 10:00am | 11:30am

Vision-Led Marketing

Get To Know Us!

Hey! It's so nice to meet you. We wanted to take a moment to tell you a little bit about ourselves. Our names are Eli and Deanna Wiezorek. We have been married for 8 years, have 7 beautiful kids, and pastor Nickel City Church together in Buffalo, NY! We love to lead with passion and purpose as we serve people and develop leaders- all with the goal to bring glory to God, and get Buffalo out of the Top 25 List of most unchurched cities in America.

We know that full time ministry is difficult, sacrificial, and even painful at times. But we know (and have experienced) that walking out our God-given mission should also be energizing, fulfilling, and even FUN (yes...we literally said fun).

Ours and our team's heart is for people- especially other pastors and ministry leaders- to maximize their full God-given potential. When we're equipped, we can actually make a difference! Have a question or want to connect? We'd love to! We and our team are available to you. Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we'll be in touch!

A little more about us 

We bought a new building!

Sermon Series 

Let's connect!

We and our team are available. Fill out the form below to get started.

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